Wishing You A Joyful, LIght-Filled Chanukah!
To My Dear Readers, wishing you a wonderful Chanukah, a chanukah sameach, filled with joy, and light. This is our chance to help banish darkness from the darkest corners, and to fill them with hope for a better, brighter world! So light the Chanukah candles, spend time with friends and family and give thanks for all the goodness that we do have. Give lots of thanks, as you gaze at the lights of the menorah, this is the time, and you have six more nights to continue doing the same wonderful thing!
Speaking of wonderful, these traditional Israeli doughnuts which are everywhere this time of year were actually baked by a friend of mine……don't they look amazing? While I'm busy making decorations and trying to put Chanukah crafts out into the world, my friend is making doughnuts for countless friends and neighbors and sending boxes of them around town! The message here is to be busy doing things for others using your talents, regardless of what they are, especially during the week of Hanukkah! And if it happens to be in the realm of creativity, so get a bunch of kids together to do some crafts, or make some decorations for a hospital or old age home, or make some and give them to a neighbor, got it? And that my friends, is a wonderful way to show how thankful you truly are, and if my crafts can give you a hand with this, I'll be very thankful too! .
God bless you with His light, joy and peace
Tasty-looking doughnuts! It looks fresh from the oven. Yum! Yum!
Sara Rivka
Yes, fresh, but from the industrial deep fryer! all the best!
Kay Souza
Dear Creative Jewish MoM, Thank you your precious greeting. And may God bless you with His light, joy and peace!
Sara Rivka
Thanks so much Kay, wishing you a wonderful holiday season!