Craft Schooling Sunday Will Resume Sunday January 10th!
Dear Readers, Missing you and hoping you all had a wonderful holiday season! To give everyone a chance to have some new projects to share for 2016, I'm going to take another week to get Craft Schooling Sunday up and running once again. Looking forward to reconnecting, and happy crafting! 2016 is the year to cross all those projects you've been wanting to do off your list before starting others, that is my plan anyway!
Getting A Moth Orchid To Re-Bloom
So the story goes like this: after making a huge purchase at a nursery in September 2014, my husband told the guy ringing up our order to throw in the lovely Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis ) I had picked out for myself as a present. And since this is Israel where purchases in many family owned businesses can (and should) be bargained for, well, I got that orchid as a gift! And I happily placed it in the center of my Moroccan brass tray coffee table, and to my great surprise it just kept on blooming and blooming for yes, an ENTIRE YEAR! This was my first orchid and I really…