Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday

Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!

Craft schooling sunday button artWelcome to Craft Schooling Sunday! Thanks so much for joining me here for this wonderful international get together! With Passover starting on Friday night, we are in serious crunch mode to get everything done for the holiday though what i really want to be doing is crafting! Unfortunately all that crafting and hoarding possible materials for crafting has made the job of getting the house in order so much more difficult, so the crafting (except for a few small projects i hope to squeeze in) is just going to have to wait until after Passover, sigh.

And just by the way, for those of you not familiar with the pre-passover cleaning craze that brings out the OCD in most of us, the general phrase used at this time of year is: "there is a difference between spring cleaning and cleaning for Passover" and "dust is not chametz (leavened products traces of whom we banish from our homes). But truthfully, I have a feeling that those phrases were made up by the people generally not responsible for keeping the house in order (or those whose help we seek), as truthfully I don't think there are many people that would feel good sitting down to the Passover seder with a dirty messy home, right?

That is all for now, here are the features from last week's party:

Pyramid treat boxes,plastic canvas sunglass cases

Love these sunglass cases sitffened with plastic canvas from nap time creations, and these pyramid gift boxes are perfect for Passover, from summer scraps.

Hello love felt banner,herb planter craft

A vintage window becomes a window sill herb garden from pillar box blue (United Kingdom) and a fun felt wall hanging from the log book (USA.)

Cherry stamped towel,peg doll butterfly

 A sweet butterfly peg doll from we bloom here (USA) and hand stamped cherries from living la vida holoka (USA)

Scrabble vase, flower filled frame

Filling a frame with flowers is such a great look, from old time pottery blog (USA) as is a scrabble tiles vase  from simply darrling.

Knit striped poncho,metal tassel button necklaces

 These tasseled button nacklaces from mich in LA are wonderful (plust the beads are tea-dyed, a great idea!), and so is this knit poncho from lanas de Ana (Guatemala)

Knit teddy bear,crocheted flower center squares blanket

A lovely crocheted flower in a square blanket from chris in de haak (The Netherlands) and classic knit bears with lots of character from Ginx crafts (United Kingdom) and 

Plastic animal topped cannisters,gift wrap station

 Love these animal topped treat jars from the perfect storm, and this organized wrapping station from clean and scentsible (Canada)

Kitchen stool table,distressed dresser

Get tips for distressing furniture from lynzy and Co., or a DIY bar stool table from viral upcycle.

Crocheted joined hearts doily,pool drop coloring page

A sweet heart doily from Ana simple crochet (Portugal) and a fun coloring page from the summery umbrella. (USA)

  Kids sun catcher craft,crocheted medallions sweater

Beach hut suncather craft from the gingerbread house (United Kingdom) and a fun girl's crocheted sweater from howling at the moon IThe Netherlands.)

Modular paper flowers craft,screen printed kid's drawings

 Fun modular paper flowers from the sunshine corner (India) and artful silk screened images from (Australia)

Avocado banana chocolate puddingA fun dessert idea for Passover, avocado banana chocolate pudding from Ruthy's kitchen (Panama) and sesame butter and honey chocolate bars, that are gluten free and could thus be made for Passover, from Winnie (Israel.) That is it for the amazing features, what have you been up to this week?