Note To Self: Passover Needs For 2017
Above: Some migrating heron spotted on a little trip we took to the foothills of Mt. Meron during Passover
If there is one thing I've learned over the years regarding the great Passover kitchen change-over, is that having everything you need already on hand is certainly preferable to having to rush out and buy items that are missing. Plus, with this in mind one can pick up necessary items during the year when you spot them on sale, or see something particularly cute that you really don't need but that you could use for Passover! That said, I'm using this little space on my blog to make a list for myself of all the items I need to replenish for our Passover kitchen. This year I actually removed a number of items to use during the year, so remembering for example that we no longer have drinking glasses for Passover is certainly an important one, right?
True, Passover is already a few weeks behind us, but I actually scribbled my list on a piece of paper, and am now getting around to typing it up here. I can't say that I'm a huge list maker, but this Passover list together with packing lists for trips and a weekly list of all the food that needs to be cooked for shabbat are truly life savers!
Passover Needs For 2017:
- Set of dishes for 20 (we now have a set of not matching dishes for 16, which we could still use, but the passover table is supposed to be the most elegant table of the year)
- Drinking glasses for 20
- Large teflon frying pan
- 2 Medium sized pots for potatoes and cholent (hamin)
- Platters for serving chicken and meat
- Round glass salad bowl
- Plastic containers for salads 6 large, 6 medium
- 2 good knives one large one small
- camping can opener
- vegetable peeler
- cloth tablecloth for dining room table
- plastic tablecloth for kitchen table
- a beautiful matzah cover and afikomen bag (make these, preferably)
- kitchen towels
- good drain sieves
- a hand beater that has the ability to whip egg whites for all the cakes and baked stuff, gotta practice during the year when we are less pressed for time!
And that is my list, which I hopefully will consult during the year, or at least a month of two before Passover next year! Unless of course someone invites us to spend Passover with them, which sounds like a great idea, right?
Hi Sara Rivka,
I always make a list of Pesach items that I keep for the next year- in Yeruashalayim HaB’nuyah hopefully (like certain spices and food items that don’t expire) and a side list of things that need replacing. I tape the list to the inside of the Pesach cabinet door and can cross off things as I purchase them during the year.
One thing about your list – you might want to call it a Matzah cover and not a Challah cover!
Love your blog!
Debbie from NYC
Sara Rivka
Thanks so much Debbie, and for picking up that terrible mistake, guess that is what happens when you type up the list a few weeks after Pesach! Great idea to keep the list inside a Pesach kitchen cabinet,
but since my pesach stuff all goes up in the attic, that wouldnt work for me…..of course I could just tape the list inside of a regular cabinet as well. Please spread the word about my blog, need some more readers!