Container Gardening

Succulents In Bloom: Round Leafed Navel Wort (Cotyledon Orbiculata)

Succulent Silver round leafed wort's navel In Bloom 2016

How could such a wonderful succulent with such gorgeous flowers have a name like Navel Wort? And its alternate name, which I won't mention here as it includes the name of a very non-kosher animal, isn't any better! That said, I just wanted to share with you my blooming succulent, as with all the trendy succulent gardening which seems to be going on, I haven't seen much mention of flowering succulents, when in fact many do! And even more interesting, one often can't even identify a mystery succulent until it flowers, showing its true self.

This year this pot only produced one stalk of flowers for some reason, and as always it amazes me to walk around town and see the same succulent also blooming in other people's container gardens at the same time…..amazing!

Succulent Cotyledon orbiculata In Bloom 2016

Succulent cotyledon orbiculata In Bloom close up 2016

And speaking of amazing, this plant really does have an interestng history, so check out my previous post here, to learn more. Happy succulent gardening!




  • Olivia

    Magnifique ! merci encore de nous faire voir de si jolies choses 😉 il y a beaucoup de sortes de succulentes, par exemple des toutes petites que l’on met en pot pour la maison. Et l’agave en papier me plaît aussi je vais en faire, alors un 2è merci 😉