Holiday: Succah Decor

Recycling Crafts For The Succah

Succah decorations recycled crafts round up

The glorious Jewish holiday of Succot starts Sunday night, so there is no time like the present as far as using every spare minute to make fabulous decorations for the succah! This year I got a bit of a head start as most of the decorations that I made for my son's bar mitzvah are now going to be put to use in the succah, but preparing for the holiday will feel really strange if I don't make something! So having just taken a look through my archives I put together a little roundup of recycling crafts that are perfect to make now, and likely you'll have many of the supplies on hand,

And just by the way, tonight, which is the night following the hoiday of Yom Kippur, there is a tradition to start building the succah, so that is what some of our family is doing as I type this! And I might add that a few hours ago the whole neighborhood was filled with the sounds of succah building, one of my favorite kinds of noise! Speaking of noise, YIKES there isn't much time for crafting, so lets get started:

  Succah decorations recycled crafts links

Here are the links for the crafts as numbered in the collage above:

  1. Simple recycled soda bottle flowers
  2. Quick Drinking Straw Starburst Ornaments
  3. Styrofoam Tray Embriodered String Stars
  4. Paper Clip and Recycled Plastic Bottle Mobile
  5. Recycled Soda Bottle Flower Mobile
  6. Recycled Book Page Sunburst Mirror
  7. Recycled Soda Bottle Lanterns
  8. Recycled Toilet Paper Tube Decorations
  9. Packing Peanut and Cardboard Star Ornaments

Hope you'll give some of these a try, happy crafting!


















  • dkny

    I have been following your blog for a long time and I love your crafts (and all of your pictures and plants, etc.) I love the idea of using these for succah decorations but here in NYC only the plastic type would work as we have to deal with weather issues that you obviously don’t. I made some of the straw starbursts, color coordinated of course, and will try some of the soda bottle crafts. Mazel Tov on your son’s bar mitzvah and I loved the table numbers. They were quite elegant. Have a great Shabbos and a wonderful Succos.

  • Sara Rivka

    Thanks so much Deborah, have a wonderful succot holiday, and hoping that it doesnt rain for you! Last year i actually made a bunch of things from plastic canvas that I was hoping to share this year, but just ran out of time altogether! This year my whole succah is going to consist of the decorations from the bar mitzvah, including the fabric that we used on the dessert bars….looking forward to a completely different succah this year, just still not sure when it is all going to come together, yikes! Right now Im cooking as Im expecting lots of guests all week, and hoping that lots of food in the freezer will at least help me feel a bit more settled! all the best, and please do try to spread the word about my blog!