Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations,  Tabletop Decorations,  Wedding Decorations

Sweet Table and Table Reserved Signs

Sweet Table Rosh HaShana Signs

One of the simple details that I really enjoyed designing for my son's bar mitzvah party were these simple signs. The pomegranite logo (which included his hebrew initials) was designed initially for the invitation, and I was happy to use it again for a few details for the party. The signs in the foreground says "shana tovah v'metuka" means have a happy sweet new year, surely appropriate for the sweets table laden with goodies that my daughter baked over eh period of a few weeks. And the sign in the background says "broochim habaim" which means welcome!

If you have a color printer and some software that enables you to design simple signs, then this is for you!

Sweet Table Sign Happy New Year

These little signs were made using frames from  IKEA, as you may already know, and I just love them!

Sweet Table Signs Reserved Sign

And of course I didn't forget to make signs to reserve tables for family members arriving other parts of the country. Right now these signs are sitting on our piano, and I think they will stay there for a bit to remind us of the wonderful and meaningful even we celebrated together.