Crafts: Crochet,  Crochet Scarves And Shawls

Crocheted Granny Square Cowl

Crocheted Granny Square Button up Cowl

I finally got the buttons sewn onto my simple granny square cowl, and it is now my favorite winter accessory. In fact I'm wearing it right now, and am looking forward to enjoying it as a spring accessory with a light coat as well. If this granny cowl looks a bit familiar, well, you are right, this is the cousin of my sunburst granny square scarf, which I love as well, but this year I've been especially loving tucking a crocheted cowl into all my layers of fleece, and a crocheted cowl simply made from just four squares was the perfect answer for something to switch out with the double crochet cowl I've been wearing constantly.

A bit of color and pattern tucked into your coat looks great, and this cowl can be worn loosely such that it can be pulled over your nose if need be, or buttoned up tightly. Any of the holodesw in the granny square can technically be button holes, right?I just love the versatility and the fact that you don't have to pull it over your head. Oh, and of course, granny squares are a great way to use up little odds and ends of yarn, and this would make a fun gift, or a great travel piece as it really takes up so little space.

Crocheted Granny Square cowl open horizontal

You'll Need:

  • red heart super saver yarn, or any worsted weight yarn
  • a 5.5mm or appropriate hook size
  • any granny square pattern with 6 rounds, or my sunburst granny square pattern

Crocheted Granny Square Cowl Pattern:

  1. Crochet 4 granny squares, mine are 6 rounds each. If you are truly using up little odds and ends, the squares needn't match, but I would recommend making the last row of each square the same color.
  2. Join the squares into a strip by single crocheting them together, right sides facing, and through the back look only (or use the joining method that you prefer)
  3. On the end of the strip, crochet a button band by crocheting a row of double crochet, and then a row of single crochet.
  4. Sew buttons to band, and enjoy!