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Guitar Themed Party Centerpiece Is Perfect For Dessert Bar Or Buffet

Guitar Birthday Party Dessert Bar Centerpiece
For my son's guitar themed birthday party I spent quite a few hours making cardboard guitars, though I really had no concrete idea how I'd use them! The great thing about not planning ahead when it comes to making party decorations is that A} you save money as you use what you have on hand B} you use up supplies in your stash that have been hanging around for way too long and C) it really forces you to get creative, the best part of all! Okay, it is true, this project is basically recycled cardboard and just a bit of cotton yarn, so I didn't really use up anything in my stash, but you just might! (Okay, I did use up a bunch of empty matzo boxes that I had hanging around, as I knew they'd be good for something!)

After I had made the musical note faux helium balloons, and the ice cream cones and guitars party garland, I still needed something for the table in addition to the simple guitar theme birthday cake, and since I always love to use something high on the table, this guitar themed birthday party vase centerpiece was born, using my cardboard guitars with strings, and elements from the previous crafts. I used this on the birthday party table, but truthfully it would be at its best as a centerpiece for a buffet or dessert bar as it is really a one sided, thus best displayed against a wall.

Ready to get started, or unlike me, plan ahead with the simple supplies you'll need? Let's get started!

Guitar Birthday Party Vase Centerpiece

You'll Need:

  • recycled cardboard, plain and patterned/colored
  • a black permanent markers, medium and thick (or however it is called)
  • bamboo/wooden skewers, flat or round, from the bar-b-que section in your local store
  • cotton or acrylic yarn for guitar strings
  • t-shirt yarn for cherry on top of ice cream
  • hot glue
  • a tall vase, or even a paper bag fitted with a piece of foam inside. My vase was actually a wooden wine cannister…..maybe not quite the ideal proportion, but loved the wood with the recycled cardboard

How To:

Make guitars with strings, cardboard ice cream cones, and cardboard notes as detailed in links, and then hot glue skewers to the backs. In some cases, and depending on the height and size of your centerpiece, you'll have to make you skewers at least twice their length. I did this with hot glue and by wrapping with the cotton yarn as seen in photo below.

Fill vase with something that will hold the skewers in place like sand, bubble wrap, styrofoam or even crumpled paper. Make your arrangement, adjusting height of skewers as needed, and enjoy, you did it!

And p.s. my son said this was the most amazing birthday party ever, so it was all worth it! Not to mention that next year we will be celebrating his birthday with a Bar Mitzvah party, can't believe it……..enjoy those years when your kids are young, and fill them with birthday parties from the heart, you only get one chance at that, and make sure to capture your efforts with photos.

Guitar Birthday Party Vase Centerpiece





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