Almond Trees In Bloom In Northern Israel, A Yearly Treat
The almond trees are now in bloom in Northern Israel, right on time I might add, and we are so very happy to witness this lovely passage into Spring yet again this year. I set out for a little shopping trip with my daughter with camera in hand as the store we were walking to is situated in one of the areas with greatest number of old almond trees, and big sigh, what a lovely site! I know so many of you enjoy seeing photos of Isreal, the Isreal that I know and love, so enjoy this little photo essay!
Just by the way, here in Israel (dry dessert areas excluded) the almond trees are the first trees to show signs of life, signaling to the rest of nature that Spring is on its way……and since we are all connected (plants, animals, humans) I think it is also a sign to us to get outdoors, the appreciate the cycle of life/nature and embrace the good. So lets do it!
Here almond trees in bloom with a gorgeous view of Mt. Meron in the background.
Almond trees actually bloom in a range of colors, from bright pink to white. Not quite sure why.
The hills filled with white almond blossoms.
A very very very old tree, like at least a few hundred years old, so we will forgive the bald patches.
Ah, and at last some blue sky in order to capture the classic photo of sweet blossoms against a vivid sky. Now if I can just find a hour or so to get out with watercolors and a paint brush, or a pen and a sketch book to capture this beauty in another form. Wish me luck on that one!