Crafts: Paper,  Crafts: Quilling,  Holiday: Shavuot

Simple Quilled Leaves Using A Comb

Quilled Leaves with looped centerQuilling is all the rage, and it is no wonder! With just the simplest of supplies, and tools you can eve find around the house, you can create stunning quilled elements to use however you please. These little leaves looks more complicated than they are, and might be something to try after you’ve made basic quilled shapes like the ones I used for my quilled Hanukkah projects.

And the fun part about quilling is that you can use tiny pre-cut strips or cut the strips yourself to make your project larger. If you love delicate work, so working small won’t bother you, just take your time and the results will be the reward. If you prefer something a bit quicker, consider working larger and see how it goes….

Quilled Leaves with looped center

I made these leaves using a quilling comb which really looks just like a hair pick only has an ergonomic handle which might be nice if used a ton. I treated myself since I knew I wouldn’t find a hair pick in my local stores. And of course, for this project a regular comb works just as well, so you likely do have one of those hanging around right?

I hope to make larger versions of these leaves soon, and I’ll post the tutorial for that, in the mean time, check out the original instructions here, from the crafty angels.

Happy quilling.
