Crafts: Drawing,  Crafts: Painting and Drawing,  Crafts: Paper,  Crafts: Sketchbook

Simple Hamsa Cut Out Craft

Hamsa-craft-paperCraft projects don’t always go as planned, and neither do drawings or paintings even when created by someone experienced! Before tossing something that wasn’t successful in the garbage, do consider if you can reuse it or upcycle it in some way! Paintings done on canvas or paper can generally be painted over, drawings done on light weight paper can be used for origami or any number of paper crafts, and in this case, a painted umbrella and an oil pastel hamsa, both done on watercolor paper but not successful on their respective backgrounds were cut out to use in the future! The wonderful thing about creativity and a mindset of creative re-use, is that it can lead one down an unexpected path that is much more exciting than the one you started down to begin with! For starters I think I’ll paint some black and white winter accessories to go with this umbrella, since rain is not a summer thing for us, and the hamsa, which is really a chamsa? Hmmm, I’ll fix the oil pastel and maybe use it as a gift tag!

Happy crating this summer, and I do hope you’ll take the opportunity to craft in a carefree manner, try new things, and make lots of bad art, which in turn will lead to something new and fabulous!
