Crafts: Drawing,  Crafts: Painting and Drawing

One Proud Mama Bear: My Daughter’s Pencil Drawing Success

Pencil Drawing Bear Close UpIsn’t this pencil drawing of a mama bear and her cub just fabulous? I am that proud mama bear as this drawing was done by my 15 year old daughter. Now if I can just get her to draw all the animals I have in mind for a special project, that would be amazing. First though she needs to build her confidence as this drawing while done entirely by her was done under the watchful eye of her drawing teacher, who as I have mentioned previously was trained in Russia and thus has very goal oriented techniques for teaching art. This drawing was made using those techniques for shading with pencil, and I certainly can’t bawk, as the results speak for themselves.

Now sadly enough, this teacher, like all my daughter’s previous art teachers is moving away and we need to search for yet another teacher. Hopefully it won’t take us five years like it did last time!  As we say here in Israel “chaval al hazman.” Meaning in this case it sure would be a waste for her not to build her skills now.

Bear And Cub Pencil Drawing With ShadingSweet right? My daughter has been talking about scanning the drawing and converting it to shades of pink, which could certainly be interesting……and we’ll certainly share the results if we get around to it!

Dear Parents, do encourage your kids to draw, today, tomorrow and every spare minute. For those who are naturally inclined it can truly make all the difference in their creative development. Sorry Mom, but I sure wished you had encouraged me! Okay, I’m not one to talk as I can’t say I really tried hard enough with all my kids to get them drawing…..and I do have regrets with one child in particular, sigh.

Live and learn, and use these life lessons to help others! Now, go encourage someone to draw!
