Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations,  Wedding Accessories

Party Favor Boxes With Custom Hebrew Letter Logo

Hebrew letter logo on party favorWe love the idea of treating our guests to a sweet little party favor, and so for my son’s bar mitzvah celebration last night each guest received a small favor box on their plate. These little boxes are quite simple to assemble once you have the contents, the boxes and the custom label and really add a nice touch to any celebration.

I am now going to start offering my services to the world at large, so if any of you would like a custom hebrew letter logo (like the one seen here on the box labels) to be used for a bar mitzvah, wedding, anniversary, or new baby related celebration (or because you’d like a lovely piece of custom art), please drop me a line at I’m also happy to use that logo as part of an invitation, frame worthy art, labels, and more, let’s work together!

This logo was designed using the letters yud and nun, and keeping in mind that the bar mitzvah was just before shavuous, which explains the tablets in the center and the colors.

Bar Mitzvah Party Favors
A simple metallic silver ribbon adds a nice touch without detracting from the label. Bar Mitzvah Party Favors
Boxes can be placed on plates or stacked on a dessert bar, either way they look fabulous.
Party Favor Boxes With Hebrew Logo


One Comment

  • Laura Lee

    Mazel Tov and yasher koach! Such a great idea! What size boxes are theses and where did you get them? What did you fill them with – candy?