A Peek Inside My New Landscape Format Sketchbook
I just love the idea of a creative practice that involves a sketchbook, or even multiple sketchbooks and while I have yet to actually develop a consistent sketchbook routine, there is always hope? I am starting to realize that patience and persistence are key when it comes to developing yourself or your skills, be it in a creative arena, to not, so rather than sigh about the lack of progress in the landscape sketchbook that I purchased last year, I’ll share with you what I have accomplished, which is certainly a start. Now if I can just figure out how to fill some more pages…….but in the meantime, here’s a little peek inside my landscape format sketchbook!
I started working in the sketchbook during our vacation in Sweden, but truthfully I was so creatively satisfied just soaking it all up that the sketchbook work felt more like a task than a creative need, if you know what I mean? Nonetheless, I did find a few quiet hours, and looking back I’m so happy that I forced myself to get out all the supplies I’d been lugging around!
Here I painted a glorious view of a river with pink flowers and rocks that we saw during our stay, and while the works I’m showing you here look nothing like other sketchbook pages I’ve shared in the past they do capture the overall sweetness of Sweden.
I ended up adding some pen details to those pink flowers, which I think was a good idea.
The view from the porch of a rental on a Swedish farm, ahhhhh, I think I need to go back to Sweden to work some more in this sketchbook. Then again, I have a ton of photos so no excuse to fill some more pages, wish me luck!
Creative Jewish Mom,
I love that you make time for your sketchbook part of your life and routine!
Thank you for sharing!
Naava Rosa
Lovely! And well done!