Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday

Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!

6a011570601a80970b0240a4e38440200b-800wiWelcome to Craft Schooling Sunday thanks so much for joining me here! My dear old computer is still in the infirmary, a hour’s drive from home so I have now had another week of full speed ahead crafting, which has led me back to the realization of how much I love crafts, and especially recycling crafts! The fact that I have yet to publish a book after all these years is downright embarrassing given how much existing material I could share and how much thought I’ve given it! Okay, I know this is not the first time I’ve mentioned this “book idea”, but maybe this time I’ll have to get serious. A year plus ago I was helping a friend with her book, and I compiled photos and ideas for my own book, only to realise that I really need to do a series, thus complicating things further, sigh. Okay, no more excuses, each of us was given talents in order to give back to the world, so I guess I’d better start on that book, well just as soon as my computer comes back home, and/or I get a new one, which is anyway a must. Okay, enough babble, enjoy the features from last weeks party and don’t delay in giving back to the world using your gifts!


Love these cheese and cucumber candles, perfect for Chanukah, from Elsar blog.
Crochet-triangles6-frontA gorgeous crocheted star-center lacy triangle for a banner, also perfect for Hanukkah, from Anabelia.


Wow,Wow,Wow,the beauty of spaced  dyed  yarn  is  amazing  in  these  fingerless  crocheted  wrist  warmers  from Frau  tschi  tschi.EYE_C2CWashcloth_01

Practice C2C crochet with these lovely rustic crocheted washcloths from eye love knots.


Or give larks foot crochet stitch a try, shown off here in this temperature blanket from Frau tschi tschi

HBA-puppet.4A sweet embroidered little doll for baby from handmade by Amalia.

Quilted elephants for a quilt from bijou bead boutique.

Lovely printable placards from it all started with paint.


A fun birthday banner in a box from the sum of their stories, perfect to send to loved ones!
Polish potato pancakes from cooking with Ewa, yumm, and hey you could practice for Hanukkah! That is it for the features what have you been up to?

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  • ida

    Hi again, my husband and I have been walking the Shvil Israel for the past weeks. We’re now stuck in Arad. Just in case this is going to be more than 1 week I would love to get some wool and a crochet hook. Is there any online shop i could order from? I can’t read Hebrew, but I am hoping you can advice me.
    Kind regards, Ida

  • Sara Rivka

    Hi Ida, wow interesting time to be hiking the Shvil Israel, good for you! There is a yarn store in Ranana with a big selection and they speak English.
    Their website is and their phone number is:09-7427020
    it says on the website that they are taking orders at that number, so all the best.
    The most reasonably priced yarns in Israel are the cotton yarns from Turkey, or t-shirt yarn. acrylic yarn is generally of questionable quality (pills a lot, unlike say Red heart from the USA) so I wouldnt buy that.
    Other imported yarns will be pricey, I would think, but youll have to see for yourself.
    All the best to you!