Israel: Native Plants,  Israel: Nature,  Slice Of Life

Enhancing Your Children’s Creativity Through Connecting To Nature

Pomegranite-flowers-up-closeAbove: Pomegranite tree in bloom in Northern Israel on June 4th, 2020

Fostering your children’s creativity is something that starts at home. Online classes and art books can definitely help boost your child’s creativity, but at the end of the day there’s nothing like getting in touch with nature to really get creativity flowing. I can say personally that since I’ve been taking nature walks roughly four times a week my creativity is bursting at the seams, and even though I’ve been taking exactly the same walk over and over there is always so much to see if you just open your eyes to the beauty of nature.

With that in mind, below are a few pointers on getting your kids in touch with their creativity through their relationship with nature.

Pomegranite-flowers-up-closeAbove: Can you spot the pomegranite tree in bloom?

Bring nature into your home

There are lots of ways to bring nature into your home, provided you just think a little outside the box. My previous Toilet Paper Tube Craft outlines how you can easily make a bird feeder with materials you probably have lying around your home. DIY bird feeders are great for apartment-dwelling families, too, and while it isn’t exactly bringing nature into your home literally, it can bring birds right up to your window!

If you have a bit more room to work with, consider planting certain flowers that can help attract birds and insects to your backyard or porch. For example, violets and goldenrods have been known to attract butterflies! Involve kids in refilling the bird feed or watering flowers and teach them about how important nutrition is for both plants and animals. Frontiers in Psychology found that allowing kids to care for nature, namely plants and animals, deepens their relationship with the world around them, creating a lasting appreciation for their surroundings.

Pomegranite-flowers-up-closeAbove: The thorny caper in bloom……June 4, 2020, yes the same plant from which capers are harvested. Capers are actually small flower buds!

Go for regular walks

Walks are a great way for active kids to let off some steam, but they’re also great for immersing your children in the wonders of nature. A study by the University of Illinois found that exposure to nature is crucial for a child’s development, as it allows them to foster independence and resilience.

Immersing your child in the outdoors can start early on. In order to make your walk as immersive as possible, you’ll want to take the necessary steps in ensuring your children stay comfortable and don’t get too tired to appreciate the sights. To that end, iCandy’s double stroller are made to be easily maneuverable thanks to their slim frame. These double strollers are best for moms with a baby and toddler in tow, but they can easily be switched into a single stroller as needed. Investing in the right equipment makes it easier for you and your kids to take a quick walk around your area in peace.

Pomegranite-flowers-up-closeAbove: Even weeds can be amazing beautiful and inspiring, as witnessed in this Northern Israel field at dusk, on June 4th, 2020. As you can see from the moon we are nearly in the middle of the Jewish month, of Sivan, when the moon will be full.

Start your own nature museum

Children are natural-born explorers, and parents should foster that as much as possible. The next time you go roaming outside, encourage your kids to collect a few rocks and flowers they find lying around for them to bring home. For these trips, you’ll want them to be appropriately dressed and ready to get a bit down and dirty if needed. Sneakers such as this pair from New Balance are great choices. You want to encourage your kids to easily explore every nook and cranny wherever they go, picking up and interacting with nature as they go along.

In fact, you can even take your kids out on a day devoted to museum collecting! With beaches slowly reopening across the country, this is the perfect opportunity to bring your kids along to collect small shells and pieces of natural materials found on the beach. From there, you can help them keep and label their discoveries in your home’s dedicated museum space.

The outside world is full of wonders for your kids to explore! These three activities can help deepen your child’s link with the natural world, which will in turn help spur their development.