Craft Schooling Sunday Will Resume Next Week
Thanks so much for stopping by, today is the second day of the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShana, and we are unplugged and celebrating the holiday, so Craft Schooling Sunday is postponed until next week. Wishing everyone a shanah tovah, a good year, and a gemar chatima tovah, may you be inscribed in the book of life! And may you and yours have a year filled with good health, financial stability, blessings all around and time for creativity!
See you next week, which will be during the period called "the ten days of repentence" leading up to Yom Kippur. I don't generally do much crafting for Yom Kippur, but four days after that is Succot, the craftiest holiday of the year. And now, with the whole country on lockdown, well I can imagine the succahs will be the most beautiful ever, hopefully mine included! But first, we have a lot of praying to do, and as I type this I am cooking for Rosh HaShana, which involves lots of symbolic foods, including round challahs and raisins in those challahs! Phew, apple with honey requires no preparation, and is always delicious.
I almost forgot, now I get to say, looking forward to reconnecting in the new year!