
Wishing You A Shanah Tovah And A Sweet As Honey New Year!

Olive trees and bee hivesDear Readers, I had dreamed of taking photos of one of the pomegranate laden trees in the neighborhood in order to wish you a Shanah Tovah, a happy new year, but as is par for the course here at CJM central, we are going out town tonight, together with all the food I’ve cooked and baked, and all the food I will cook at our destination. Which means there is simply no time left other than to wish you a Shanah Tovah, and to share with you some photos of bee hives that I see on my evening walk. Rosh HaShana, the Jewish new year is all about honey, and dipping apples in honey, so these photos are timely, indeed! And the other lovely thing about these bee hives is that they are in the middle of an olive orchard, which is also a grazing parcel for a herd of cows now and then.

Bee hives-Israel-Tsfat-near-wadiThere is something about these boxes, maybe it is because they are filled with sweetness, just as your year will be!

Olive trees and bee hivesSee you next year! Wishing you all the very best……and with these words I am unplugging for four days, yippee!

One Comment

  • shayndel

    That is sweet!
    I hope you might have a chance another time too to share the photos of the pomegranate trees in Israel!! How wonderful!
    Shana Tova to you and all the very best to you and your family, a sweet New Year!!