Best Of Recycled Gift Packages For Purim, From The Archives
With Purim coming up on the evening of February 25(Feb. 27th for those in Jerusalem) now is truly the time to start preparing for the holiday, right? I don’t have any costumes to make this year, (as of right now) which means more time to think about everything else, meaning the gifts of food we give to a gazillion people (in my case really just about 15 neighbors and some important folks), the decorations for the house and the Purim meal for a crowd. In most families the kids give mishloach manot to their friends as well, which is where this post might come truly in handy. Start collecting food packaging that can be upcycled into creative containers and let the kids go to town. Or if you are like me, go to town yourself!
Okay, lets take a look at the possibilities, shall we?
Cereal boxes that have been opened up make great canvases for all kinds of decorations, though I love these stamped polka dots. Check out the complete tutorial right here.
This little treasure chest gift package is really simple to make and perfect for Purim. Check out the complete tutorial here.Recycled plastic bottles are one of the easiest things to come by, so check out the complete instructions here.
These recycled baby formula cans were one of my favorite efforts, especially with the fancy ribbon on top. Check out the complete tutorial here.
Ahhhh, aren’t these gift boxes decorated with painting from my kids just the cutest! I am so happy I took photos, so make sure to do that as well! The complete tutorial can be found here.
That is it for my roundup of the best-of recycled packaging, now get crafting!