What Does The Ramban Say About Emotional Happiness And Physical Health?
Since we have just celebrated the Jewish holiday of Shavuot in which we receive the Torah anew, each year, now is a great time to talk about how the wisdom from the Oral Torah is just as relevant today as it was when it was first received. To understand the Oral Torah, one can refer to the writings of the Rambam (Maimonides), whose commentary on health and emotional well being is just as relevant today, if not more so, than when it was written. Today while researchers work on cures for terrible diseases and viruses that afflict the human race, they have also begun searching for a fundamental truth regarding…
Simple Flowers And Leaves Decorated Challah
I am rushing to post this as there is still cooking to be done for the holiday of Shavuot, which we are welcoming tonight! Round braided challahs decorated with simple flowers and leaves really do make your holiday table special, so if you have a few extra minutes, give it a try, even for just one challah! This design is quite simple to make, and if you follow the instructions, I do think you’ll be happy with the results! Trust me, I’ve been doing this for years, with varied results, and this design actually looks good after baking as well, which many just do not. So make some round braided…
Flower Covered Challah For Shavuot!
We are welcoming the beautiful Jewish holiday of Shavuot tonight, and I decided last night that it was time to make some decorated challahs to embrace the holiday, in which we bring flowers and greenery into our homes to remember the lush surroundings on Mt. Sinai. Yes indeed, I did take note of the relative luxury of this act while many of my fellow Israelis were in bomb shelters, and I am grateful to live in a location that is generally not a target, and we have never used the bomb shelter room in our home as such, though I am relieved that we have one! Okay, back to challahs…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With all the very intense and very sad things going on here in Israel we are more than ready to receive the Torah on Sunday night, on the Jewish holiday of Shavout. My house is always very green, so decorating with greenery, check, but of course I do have a few last minute things to do, especially since we’ll be welcoming some guests with young children, and for them I just have to add some special items to the table. Of course after all the years of crafting I do have some tricks up my sleeve, and some…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Quilling, Holiday: Shavuot
Quilled Leaf Sprigs Are Perfect For Shavuot!
I just couldn’t resist sharing this craft from three years ago when I was delving into paper quilling. Now I’m thinking I really need to start doing art with kids again so I can put to use all those quilling supplies that are waiting to see the light of day! Enjoy! Shavuos, the holiday of greenery is coming Sunday night, so why not start quilling some lovely leaves? Paper quilling isn’t one of those crafts that you can whip up quickly, but it is oh so lovely, and can be done in spare moments just about anywhere, so give it a try! These little quilled leaf sprigs look so fabulous…
- Crafts for Mom, Crafts: Drawing, Crafts: Flowers, Crafts: Gouache, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Paper, Crafts: Spring, Crafts: Summer, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Shabbat, Holiday: Shavuot, Holiday: Succah Decor
A Festive Painted Cut-Out Bouquet For The Front Door!
The Jewish holiday of Shavuot starts on Sunday night, and our front door is ready! I just love painting flowers and cutting them out, as with the water color poppies cut outs, and am also really pleasantly surprised by how wonderful a bouquet of painted flowers can be as well, especially when you free it from the confines of the paper! Of course a bouquet of flowers drawn and then painted, like this one, is all about planning, and execution, so after all that effort, you will want to use it again and again, or even hang it somewhere in a frame, and you should! The more flowers the better,…