Crafts for Kids,  Crafts: Mosaic

Mosaic Crafts For Kids

Mosaic-crafts-for-kidsSummer is the perfect time to get kids interested in crafts, and I recommend giving mosaic crafts a try. A mosaic project is something that one could do over the course of a few days or even a month, and it is so much fun. I’ll admit I’ve been wanting to make mosaic garden stepping stones with kids and have yet to give that a try, though anything mosaic for the garden is a great project. Of course with kids I wouldn’t recommend using broken plates or mugs etc. as the edges can get quite sharp, but broken tile is likely okay for older kids. That said there are so many ways to make mosaics, so check out the round up of projects from my very own archives, and enjoy!

Bead-mosaic-craft-chamsaI just love these mosaic bead chamsas, such a great look and a fun way to introduce the idea of grout. Give it a try, not for little kids of course as these beads are difficult to handle.

Star-of-david-mosaicThis star of David mosaic was made using the kind of craft tiles that one can cut with scissors, perfect for kids!

I used the leftover mosaic tiles from the star of David mosaic to make these fruit shaped mosaic fridge magnets, so much fun!

Paper-mosaic-kid's-craftThe kind of mosaic one can do almost any time? Make mosaics with paper by filling shapes, love this pomegranite paper mosaic!

Bean-mosaic-craftAnd last but not least, how about making a mosaic with beans, looks quite amazing actually, and no grout required. Happy summer crafting!


