When Your Kids Outgrow Your DIY Costumes
Photo Above: Just to clarify, this is a costume my son threw together himself last year, with bits and pieces, it is a Moroccan Sherrif clown!
Purim is in another month and it is time to get going with the costumes! DIY costumes have been something that I’ve spent a lot of time and effort creating over the years, and guess what, I can now use that time for some other creative pursuits, as my kids have outgrown my DIY costumes! An end of a sweet era I must say, on the other hand I’ll get a bit more sleep on those nights before the Jewish holiday of Purim! It isn’t that they don’t want to dress up at all, it is just that they want to be like everyone else their age who just throws together a few fun accessories. There is no Purim costume day at school, and the idea of costumes is downplayed once kids become teenagers. (Purim is a day of extreme fun, but also a very very holy day, a very interesting mix that is sometimes a challenge to remember……) Of course I do help neighbors with costumes, but the pressure is off, yippee! Or waaaah, where did the years go? Fortunately I have all the pictures of my best efforts on this blog in the DIY costumes category, and it is s fun to look back at the photos over the years.
And guess what, my kids do just fine without my help at this point, as you can see by my 12 year old son’s Moroccan sherrif clown getup from last year. And truthfully I needn’t be too sad, the next generation of grandchildren will be happy to have some DIY costumes, I’m sure, and in the meantime I’ve got tons of little neighbors……..then again I think I’ll embrace this new period and start doing some of the things I never had time for, like illustration and painting and hey, what about that craft book series?
I don’t know if anyone actually reads the post way down here, but I just had another thought, which is it is a truly great thing when the kids tell you they don’t need you to spend a trillion hours on them than you not having the time to dote on them in their childhood…….so I think I’ll give myself a gold medal for costumes and call it a day. So many more creative goals to achieve, so gotta run!