Fruit Carving 101: Cantelope Rose Garnishes
When I look at this little spread of carved fruit that i made in my fruit carving class a few weeks ago it just screams Rosh HaShana to me, which of course isn't a bad thing at all as the Jewish new year is really just around the corner. If you live in Israel there may not be any cantelopes around come Rosh HaShana, but that doesn't mean you can't whip up some beautiful garnishes for your holiday table, you just need to apply the ideas I'm sharing with you to something that is in season. Got it?
I know that cute fish is steeling the show, but I'll be talking about him tomorrow, today we are learning about how to make cantelope roses, and beauties they are! Okay are you ready, here goes an explanation that I hope you can decipher!
How To Make Cantelope Roses:
- Cut cantelope in half lengthwise and peel.
- Starting at one end make very thin, even slices going down the length of the cantelope. By thin I don't mean paper thin but still thing enough so that you can shape the pieces without them breaking. (Though this really only applies for the first two pieces.)
- Take two medium sized pieces that are arc shaped. Gently fold them in half to make half an arch, and then interlock them by sticking a leg of one piece between the legs of the other piece. Examine the center of my roses and try to get the same look.
- Now build the rose by wrapping a piece around the left side of the center, and then wrapping another piece around the right side of the center, and so on. Secure with toothpickes if the flower gets too big to hold, and when your cantelope pieces can't wrap the center, add them on the sides.
- It is really quite simple once you get the hang of it, just make sure to tell your guests that it is meant to be eaten!
- These roses are best placed in a bowl as they have a large base that is then hidden by the bowl.
- Watermelon rind leaves add a fabulous touch to the roses, as do slices of lemons, kiwis, and a few dark purple grapes.
- Cantelope roses can be prepared the morning of your occassion and kept fresh in the refrigerator, and possibly even the night before. If you are planning a large event experiment ahead of time to see how far in advance you can get working!
One Comment
This is a work of art!!
BEAUTIFUL and so eye-catching 🙂