Nature Crafts For The Succah!
The wonderful Jewish holiday of Succot is on our doorstep, and quickly sneaking up on us, so there is no time like the present to delve into Succah decorations! I very fortunately came across these dried pomegranite branches a few weeks ago in Meron, and to husband’s chagrin filled the trunk with them! Of course they look gorgeous as is, but the leaves make a huge mess, and my succah is Moroccan style elegantish, so I’ll be doing something with these branches, like painting them gold and leaving the pomegranites as is. Hmmm, but how exactly will they become succah wall art? Your guess is a good as mine, but offering you these photos as inspiration for your own succah decor adventures. It is true, I am no stranger to collecting sticks and branches and making things from them, so I’ve decided that this week we’ll delve into nature crafts for the succah! In the mean time, keep on reading for some links to previous succah crafts using branches and twigs and even some leaves! Take a deep breath and let’s get started! (Yes, I know, so much to do, but it will all get done, promise!)
As promised here are some links to previous posts using branches and twigs, I’ll be re-posting some of them, but if time is of the essence, so go ahead and take a look:
- Last year’s giant olive branch Succah craft with colorful leaves and a great story
- Last year’s tree of life golden leaved Succah craft
- Paper leaves on real branches Succah craft
- Simple twig luminaries are a perfect nature Succah craft
- Stamp pad leaf prints Succah wall hanging craft
- Golden leaf garlands make a gorgeous Succah craft