Nature Crafts For The Succah!
dried pomegrantes on pruned branches make gorgeous fall decorations and succah decorations
Doodle Apples To Whip Up For Rosh HaShana!
Fun folk inspired doodled apples make great garlands, place cards and greating cards for fall or Rosh Hashana!
Quick Mount Sinai Kid’s Craft For Shavuos
I am busy working on my art, specifically a #make100oilpastels journey with 43 more to go, so the crafting for Shavuos may or may not happen…..in any case I still have all the wonderful cereal box cardboard vases filled with flowers from Passover. Of course I will likely at the last minute cut up a bunch of painted leaves to hang from the chandelier or decorate the table, but that won’t happen until just before the holiday. With no little kids underfoot the need to build excitement for the holiday isn’t exactly necessary so, that said, I’ve dusted this sweet project off to share once again, get to it! Shavuos…
Watercolor Fern Paintings For Shavuot!
I am taking this one out of the archives, as we could all use a simple yet great looking craft project right about now, right?There is something so accessible and wonderful about watercolors, so give them a try! Shavuot the Jewish holiday that celebrates the receiving of the Torah starts in 2 weeks on the evening of May 16, so now is a great time to whip up some gorgeous watercolor leaf paintings and learn about practicing your brush strokes a win win crafting experience! As part of my creative journey I’m in the process of exploring creating with different media, including watercolor painting. It turns out that the first…
- Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Passover Table, Holiday: Pesach/Passover, Holiday: Sefirat HaOmer, Holiday: Shabbat, Recycled Aluminum Tray Crafts
DIY Key Napkin Ring Craft For The First Shabbat After Passover!
I am re=posting this craft from a time when my kids were much younger (7 years ago!) and I made an extra effort to make each special shabbat special. (Today I made each shabbat special with the specific traditional family foods they love) I was looking for my images of key shaped challah, and came across this, so I thought I’d dust it off. Enjoy! To honor this special shabbat, namely the first one after Passover in which we traditionally prepare challah in our homes once again, I just came up with a quick little key napkin ring craft as I’ll be making bagels instead the traditional key shaped challahs…
- Crafts: Doodle Art, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Passover Table, Holiday: Pesach/Passover, Recycled Cereal Box Crafts, Recycled Food Box Crafts
Passover Pyramid Craft From A Cereal Box!
With Passover arriving this coming Saturday night, now is the time to fit in some last minute crafting in anticipation of this wonderful holiday, and possibly keep the kids busy with a crafting station so you can finish, or continue all the holiday preparations! The essence of the holiday is to tell the story of the Jews deliverance from Egypt to the children, so getting kids involved with decorations and hand made items to celebrate and absorb this game changing history of the Jewish people is really really important! I have been wanting to make cardboard pyramids for a few years, and while I didn’t quite realize my dreams…