Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz

Remembering Jerusalem: Family Crafts For The Three Weeks

Remember Jerusalem Crafts Roundup

The 17th of Tammuz, the minor fast day which marks the beginning of the period of mourning for Jerusalem that is referred to as “The Three Weeks” is on Thursday, so lets add some meaning to this important time with some creative crafts! For those of us who live in Israel, and for whom the idea of the destruction of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem is easier to grasp, the crafts can be a great way to delve deeper into all the issues that surround this mourning period. This year with all the craziness in the world working through emotions with art and craft is a valuable exercise for everyone! For those living outside of Israel, I’d say filling the house with crafts for the three weeks is crucial to stress its importance…….so let’s get crafting. Below you’ll find more than enough links to keep you busy for at least three weeks!

Remember Jerusalem Tissue Paper Jerusalem scene collage on glass

This is one of the first crafts I posted here on, and it still looks great I must say, so grab some tissue paper and make this lovely remembering Jerusalem Tissue Paper Collage, you can enjoy it year round as well, of course!
Remember Jerusalem Layered Sand jars

My kids loved this recycling craft that has a few fun parts to it, colored salt remember Jerusalem craft is a winner!

Remember Jerusalem Tissue Paper Jerusalem scene collage on glass

This Jerusalem collage craft, is so much fun as there are so many ways to go, and the supplies are really just paper and glue!

Remember Jerusalem Votive Craft

Make this fun baby food votive jar craft,  but don’t worry if you don’t have any baby food jars to recycle (I got mine from a friend) regular jars will work too…..right?

Remember Jerusalem Tissue Paper Jerusalem scene collage on glass

A simple cut paper collage of the Western Wailing Wall, the Kotel, is lovely and modern, and a great group project as well!

Remember Jerusalem Tissue Paper Jerusalem scene collage on glass

Using the most basic art supplies and recycled cardboard, paint the kotel in rainbow colors craft is so much fun you won’t want to stop!

Remember Jerusalem Tissue Paper Jerusalem scene collage on glassAnd last, but not least, as this is actually one of my all time favorites, use recycled boxes (turned inside out) to paint stones in this rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash craft.

Hope you enjoyed this roundup of crafts from the archives, now get crafting!






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