Art Education for Kids
The Importance Of Creativity In Children And How To Encourage It
Encourage creativity in kids to give them a boost for life!
7 Different Ways To Encourage Creativity In Children
Creativity is the use of ideas and imagination to come up with something that is of value, whether it is a piece of art, physical invention, or even a solution to a certain problem. Creativity has always played a huge role in our success and it is something that can be nurtured throughout one’s life. One can enjoy unlimited creativity if you understand how to recognize it in yourself, and how to keep the creative juices flowing!. When it comes to children, you need to make an extra effort to ensure that they do not lose the creative spark as they grow up. In many cases, school can dampen creativity…
Gorgeous And Artful Painted Paper Collage For Every Skill Level
As I have mentioned I have begun to dip my big toe into the world of Instagram, from my computer that is, and in just the smallish community of 99.9% female artists and illustrators where I’m currently hanging out, I’ve already found so many inspiring artists unknown to me previously, because well, they’ve been promoting themselves on instagram! One such artist is Este Macleod, who has a wonderful, truly artful style, and best of all, a sense of creativity, and a love for teaching and encouraging creativity that is exceptional. Este loves creating by starting with letters and numbers (right up my alley!), and In her instagram post (you do…
How to Make an Art Portfolio for University or College
Your college art portfolio must be outstanding in order for your application to be given serious consideration. Not to worry, many have traveled this road before you, and you are not alone! With this expert guide on how to make an art portfolio for college you’ll have a clearer idea of the seriousness of the portfolio as well as some basic steps to take for success. Applying to colleges can feel a lot like trying to hit a target with a bow and arrow in the dark. No matter how hard you try, some of it feels like a pure gamble. If you’re applying to art schools, this feeling increases…
Paint Blob Creative Drawing Exercise For All Ages!
Now is a great time to invest in creatiivity, and one of the best ways is to start with short exercises that build interest and confidence and most importantly really drive home the message that creativity is NOT about perfection. So if you dream of being an artist, or you think someone else in your family might have what it takes, (I can’t believe I’m saying this) stop crafting and start making art! What? Yes indeed my friends, because most crafting is about the result, and lets face it, everyone likes nice results, right? Art on the other hand is generally much more process oriented and therefore generally not about…
- Art Education for Kids, Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Spring, DIY Wrapping Paper, Gift Wrapping, Holiday: Shavuot
Lovely DIY Wrapping Paper From A Painting Exercise!
With gift giving season approaching quickly, now is a great time to make some DIY wrapping paper, and even better, to practice your painting skills in the process! I have at long last set aside some time to follow my dreams of painting, and while the jury is still out regarding whether this is something that I’ll truly want to devote my time to, I now have some great looking wrapping paper that is so fun to look at! Painting loosely, which is the direction I’d like to take, since that is the style that speaks to me (fortunately) isn’t nearly as easy as it looks, and so practicing on…