Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! This week we will be celebrating Lag B’Omer on Thursday night/Friday, so it is time to get crafting for that, and prepare for the numerous guests that will be arriving to our city, as we are just a stone’s throw from Lag B’Omer central, Mount Meron, where roughly 250,000 people will come over the course of 24 hours or so, to celebrate and pay tribute the the great Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai. There will be music, and bonfires and haircuts, especially for 3 year olds, and relief at being able to celebrate this holiday one again as a…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! The next Jewish holiday is Lag B’Omer in just two weeks and so it is time to get crafting for that. Hmmm, this year i may just have to paint the location from afar, which is actually my view, then again maybe some paper arrows or a paper bonfire will show up, we will just have to see! i am concentrating on oil pastels and finishing my counting the omer art journal started last year, because finishing and sticking to the plan is a good idea, and one that I often don’t embrace. Sigh, with my art that…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! After some warm Spring weather we had rain and cool weather on Shabbat, which is fine with me……the house felt cozy and I enjoyed sitting around and chatting with my teens. My how time flies! Speaking of time, did you know that we are in the period on he Jewish calendar called the Omer? It is 49 days long and culminates with the holiday of Shavuous, and the receiving of the Torah. It is a time of mourning, and character refinement, and at the least until the 33 day, there are no weddings, no music, no haircuts and…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! While it is still Passover everywhere except in Israel, we are already on the other side of Passover, and today is actually a day where many celebrate by eating levened products, and the Moroccan Jews especially, with Mimouna parties, so let the party begin! I start this party right after Shabbat is over in Israel, so give or take a few hours, we will be quickly packing up the Passover kitchen, and then my daughter will make mufleta, Moroccan tortillas, to serve with honey. We used to have to try and beg for these from neighbors, but now…
Craft Schooling Sunday Is Taking A Passover Break, Resumes Next Week
Thanks so much for stopping by, today is the first day of Passover, and I am unplugged as we celebrate with the Passover seder (only 1 in Israel, 2 elsewhere) so it just wouldn't seem appropriate to be holding a party, even a virtual one! So please come back next week, when we in Israel will have completed the holiday, and crossed the Red Sea, as we do each and every year! All the best!
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With just one week until Passover, the heat is on, the studio/office needs serious cleaning and reorganizing, and I may just have to invite my whole family in to help me in order to get it done in one day, as that is all I have realistically, and if not now, when? So friends, create to your heart’s content, collect recyclables, make tons of art…..but try to organize once a week, or you may just end up with the mess I’m now facing. Not to worry I will not be sharing any photos, either before or after, just…