Crafts: Doodle Art
A Peek In My Sketchbook: Jungle Botanical Doodles
This summer is all about sketching and doodling and filling my sketchbook with all kinds of botanicals and lettering and florals, mostly done with a fine point black marker! I’ll admit it has become my #1 creative activity at the moment, though I think it is great preparation for painting as when one draws something over and over, those shapes are in one’s mind, meaning that painting something similar subject wise will hopefully be that much easier. And since I now know how to fix my sketchbook mistakes, I’m not afraid to draw simple doodles and sketches in pen, which has been so very liberating. I can’t quite explain it,…
A Peek In My Sketchbook: Adding Color With Colored Pencils
Yes, dear readers, the sketchbook adventures continue, and I have another tip to share with you when it comes to successful sketchbook entries. Okay, I didn’t really mean that, because “succesful” isn’t what the sketchbook journey is about, meaning it is not the end result that matters but how you got there! That said by someone who previously posted about how to fix you sketchbook mistakes, so I can’t say I’m there 100% but working on it, day after day after day! Drawing beautiful simple botanicals and doodles and lettering, mostly black pen on white paper, is oh so satisfying, yet sometimes the results call for some color, so why…
A Peek In My Sketchbook: Learning To Draw Simple Botanical Borders
It has now been more than a month since I started seriously filling up the pages in my sketchbook, and the process has been truly amazing. I have roughly another 29 pages yet to fill, so within a month or so I can buy a new sketchbook and start another journey, this time from scratch, (this sketchbook was half filled 20 plus years ago…..) can’t wait! In the mean time I will continue sharing some of the things I’ve been up to, which I hope will encourage you to take even 15 minutes out of your busy day and spend it in your sketchbook. Yes, Yes, Yes, I highly encourage…
A Peek In My Sketchbook: Learning To Draw Simple Botanicals
I am happy to say that my sketchbook endeavors are consistent, and I am slowly but surely filling up a sketchbook that has been sitting half empty for 20 plus years! I started on May 18th and have now completed 46 pages, phew! Okay the pages aren’t filled with brilliant art, but rather simple botanical sketches and lately some botanical doodles, but I’m really enjoying all the drawing. Because the sketchbook is not heavy paper and I don’t want to end up gluing together pages, I am sticking to light weight pen drawings mostly, though I did recently do a drawing that I colored with a bit of gouche which…
- Costumes, Crafts: Doodle Art, Crafts: Fashion Accessories, Crafts: Summer, Great Gifts To Make, Holiday: Purim!, Recycled T-Shirt Crafts, Summer Camp Crafts
Summer Camp Crafts: A Graffiti Logo Sweatshirt With Splashes Of Color
I am so grateful that my teen daughter loves crafting, as with no school for months now due to Covid-19, she has had lots of time to delve into creative activities that she loves, the latest being grafitti sweatshirts! Her friends are begging her to make some for them, and while I was just thinking she could do a class, maybe just buying an airbrush and semi-mass producing them would be a better idea? Just to be clear, my daughter isn’t wearing this sweatshirt out and about, but she certainly has fun wearing it as pajamas! The graffit sweatshirt idea all started with a Purim costume which led to a…
- Crafts: Doodle Art, Crafts: Drawing, Crafts: Fashion Accessories, Crafts: Summer, Great Gifts To Make, Holiday: Purim!, Summer Camp Crafts
Summer Camp Crafts: A Simple Graffiti Sweatshirt In Black And White
Summer is here, and yet this summer is not like other summers, sigh. Here at CJM central we seem be in the middle of eternal vacation, well sort of, with the future of schooling this year very uncertain. Rather than dwell on that, and whether some of my kids will actually get “summer vacation” when and if school starts, lets get busy making summer camp crafts, as there is something about messy or process oriented or outdoor type crafts that just makes many of us happy, not to mention busy and creative! Speaking of busy, this graffiti sweatshirt project could keep someone busy for hours and hours, and when my…