Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz
- Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Crafts for Kids, Crafts: Recycling, Crafts: Summer, Holiday: The 17th of Tammuz, Holiday: Tisha B'Av, Holiday:Tenth of Tevet, Recycled Jars Crafts
Baby Food Jar Votive Craft For The Three Weeks
We love having guests with sweet babies, and are more than happy when there are baby food jars to craft with! Even before the guests left I found the small jars that I had put aside from their last visit, and together with some new tall ones, a craft idea was born: baby food jar votives with scenes of Jerusalem. This is our first craft this year with this topic, and the timing is perfect, as we can enjoy these jars for the next three weeks, and when the lights are turned down on the evening of T'Isha B'Av they will be lovely and a good reminder of what the…