Queen Anne’s Lace In Bloom Everywhere In Northern Israel
I love witnessing the yearly cycle of the fields and hillsides just outside our front door, and the brilliant cascade of color sometimes associated with that! In the spring vivid green becomes hills of rolling yellow, then dotted by red and white, and then comes all things purple, like thistles of all kinds (which I must photograph this coming week) and now we are enjoying a dense bloom of Queen Anne’s lace, otherwise known as wild carrot, bird’s nest, and bishop’s lace. Daucus carota, is its real name, and is a white, flowering plant, with tall stocks and a very interesting flower. Yes, it is a weed, but a lovely…
A Walk In The Neighborhood At Dusk Northern Israel Style
Yes dear readers, this really is my neighborhood in Northern Israel, and sometimes I just have to pinch myself when I realize that I’m so very fortunate to be living in such a gorgeous place with rich history and stunning views. It feels like we are living out in the country, and yet we live in town of 35,000 and with everything we need either right next door or within walking distance! This is because we actually live on the edge of the town, and all our neighbors down the hill are those buried in the cemetery, both old (from a long as 2,000 years ago) and new, and a…
Red Poppies And White Daisies In Bloom In Northern Israel
I love sharing with you all the beautiful seasonal blooming and bearing of fruit of native species here in Israel, and so of course the blooming of the red poppies, a month late this year, is on the list of things to share. I previously wrote about poppies in bloom on a hillside near my home here, but then I recently came across another patch of dense blooms and just had to photograph it! I took these photos a week plus ago, and fortunately as we are now experiencing a heat wave that has certainly led to the demise of these beauties. And the weather has been so hot that…
Pride Of Madeira Blooms In Northern Israel
One of my favorite non-native yet very Mediterranean garden friendly plants is Pride of Madeira. I found some small plants at a local nursery years ago, and the tiny plants have become woody bushes/trees that bloom every Spring with gorgeous cone-shaped purple flower stalks. This year we had a very wet winter and so all the plants are blooming roughly a month late, which is fine by me, just now that the hot weather has arrived the blooms will likely not last as long, such is life. In any case, I’ve once again photographed the Pride of Madeira bush in a garden I designed a few years back, and it…
Today Is Memorial Day For Israel’s Fallen Soldiers
Today is Memorial Day for Israel’s fallen soldiers, and this year it is quite different indeed. My heart goes out to all those who treasure the memorial ceremonies and the once yearly get together at the grave of their loved one(s), and who this year will be remembering their son/daughter/mother/father/aunt/uncle/brother/sister quietly. In large military cemeteries I believe entrance is not permitted today, and families were asked to visit the graves over the past few days. The military did put flowers or floral wreaths as well as flags on each grave, and today in every military cemetery several soldiers are standing on guard in respect, in front of a large customary…
Wisteria Blooms In Northern Israel
During the Passover holiday my daughter was itching to just get outside, so I sent her down the street to the garden I designed a few years back, with the mission of photographing the glorious wisteria in bloom! Wisteria blooms before there are any leaves on the vine, so it is truly spectacular, the only downside being that it just doesn’t last long enough! This year the usual tour groups that gather in this location will most certainly not be coming, so this may be my chance to start the wisteria filled pergola for creating a shaded area with vines! I have seen this before, and it actually works really…