- Crafts: Painting, Crafts: Painting and Drawing, Crafts: Recycling, Holiday: Shabbat, Recycled Cans Crafts, Shabbat crafts
Oatmeal Can Tzedaka Box Craft
A tzedaka box (charity box) made from an oatmeal can is just as cute as can be, and quite useful right now! As you may know, due to the Corona virus all the synagogues are currently closed, though prayer groups of up to 20 with proper distancing is permitted. While many neighbors have formed prayer groups from their balconies, we have formed one with the neighbors, which consists of my husband and my 2 teen boys from within our house (via a huge window that opens fully) and the neighbors gathered in a courtyard and on the stairs just outside this window. There is a custom to give charity before…