Crafts: Recycling,  Recycled Plastic Bag Crafts

Four Stranded Braids Made With Plastic Bags

Recycled Plastic Bag Craft Braids For Crafting

Braiding with plastic bags is a great way to make trim for some of your recycled crafting projects, and a great way to keep those plastic bags out of the trash! At least when you braid them, if they do end up in the trash, they'll do a lot less damage as they're already broken down somewhat. And if you ever find yourself on that island of plastic bottles and bags located somewhere out in the Pacific ocean, well, you'll be able to keep yourself busy. Sadly enough.

I am in the middle of making some fun recycled crafts using plastic bottles and plarn (plastic bag yarn) and I needed some trim, so after a few attempts that were way too time consuming, here is my suggestion for making flat trim from plastic bags! You can use this braided trim as handles for baskets, as ties to close something, just to name a few possibilities. Maybe kids could make them as summer camp bracelets as well? Enough brainstorming, first things first, lets learn how to make them!

Recycled Plastic Bag Braid

You'll Need:

How To:

  1. Lay plastic bag flat on cutting surface and smooth out with hands.
  2. Cut handles and bottom seam off of plastic bag.
  3. Now you have a "tube." Cut along bottom fold such that when you open your piece you'll have a long flat piece of plastic bag.
  4. Depending on the size of that bag, cut it into either four or eight lenghts. Try both widths to see which works better for your project.
  5. Join together four pieces by taping to your surface or by tying them in a knot.
  6. Follow the tutorial for braiding and voila, now you have a way to use up all those pesky not environmentally friendly plastic bags!




  • Chavi Beck

    This reminds me of the time my son decided to be a Havdala candle for Purim. This would work great, I’d just use the full width of the bag for each strand. (A gold cardboard crown, with screaming-bright-orange paper napkin inserts, completed the costume.

  • Sara Rivka

    Great to hear from you Chavi, wish my kids would agree to be something that simple, I guess Ive set myself up for having to make complicated costumes, so I really cant complain! Happy Purim preparations!