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Giant Origami Clowns

Clown Origami Giant Party Decorations

Giant origami clowns are really quite simple to make and make amazing party decorations, not to mention that they make perfect Purim decorations! I used squares of wrapping paper to make origami clowns that are about 70 cm tall, and just a few of these clowns are enough to add a fun touch to any wall. Add some packing peanuts as buttons and collar, and some patterned paper for shoes, a pom pom and hat trim, and the results are simple adorable! The origami clown is folded initially just like an origami crane (hmmm, I need to try making those from wrapping paper too!)  so lets get started! (And in any case I've got to run and make my daughter's Purim costume……)

Origami clowns in two sizes

You'll Need:

  • instructions for making an origami clown
  • wrapping paper in solid colors
  • colored card stock for head and hat, plus scraps of patterned paper for details
  • packing peanuts or even bottle caps or any craft findings such as small pom poms or buttons
  • hot glue gun
  • string

How To:

  1. Make a square from wrapping paper, and fold paper according to origami clown instructions.
  2. Cut a circle and triangle for the head and hat, and add details, attaching with hot glue.
  3. Attach packing peanuts with hot glue, they look great as buttons and collar.
  4. For smaller clowns, use scraps left over after making squares from roll of wrapping paper.
  5. To hang, adhere loop of string to back of clown with hot glue. For extra strength and neatness, press a small rectangle of cardboard over the hot glue and ends of string.

That is it!


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