Ceramic Plates And Trays Made By Kids
Yesterday at the student's show at the ceramics studio that my 12 year old son and I visit every week (for some quality creative time together) we were very inspired by a show of all the student's work. I only had time to capture a small portion of the wonderful creativity to share with you here, though I'm hoping that just a few posts will be enough to get those of you for whom this might be relevant to the ceramic studio, (with your kids, or without) as working with clay is a wonderful way to enliven creativity, build skills and confidence too! And of course, while kiln fired ceramics…
Kids Rethink The Traditional Tzedaka Box!
Today there was a student show at the ceramic studio where my son and I spend time together creating with clay each week, and I just had to share with you some of the fantastic work we saw. For starters I just love the ceramic tzedaka (charity) boxes that kids made (that would also make fabulous ceramic banks as well) after the teacher gave them the assignment to make a tzedaka box in any shape they desired. I don't know if I would have thought of a vase of flowers tzedaka box, or an apple tzedaka box, or even a tea cup tzedaka box. There was even a fantastic clay…
Welcome Back To Craft Schooling Sunday
Welcome back to Craft Schooling Sunday! Last week I took a little break from the party as we were celebrating the beautiful Jewish holiday of Shavuot with family and friends, and I was 100% unplugged, so it didn't seem right to be hosting a virtual party during that time, right?. So after a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends and the traditional cheesecake (and subsequent need to collapse for a day or two) I am now back at the blogging wheel, and can't wait to show you the amazing features from two weeks ago. Summer is the perfect time to get those creative gears spinning, so lets get…
Hoya Vine In Bloom
When my Hoya vine blooms with clusters of pink waxy flowers it is truly exciting! Truthfully, for the first few years after purchasing this plant, it didn't bloom at all, and I didin't even know that it had the capacity to bloom, funny enough. But after producing a bloom or two, the plant has become an even more proliferous bloomer with each succesive year, and it is such a joy to watch the tiny buds develop into these stunning flowers, especially on a plant that doesn't even seem to be known for its flowers! It is true, my hoya lives outside in a sheltered and shady spot most of the…
- Baby Gifts and Decor, Baby Shower Ideas, Bat and Bar Mitzvah Decorations, Birthday Decorations, Crafts for Kids, Crafts for Mom, Crafts: nature, Crafts: Pine Cones, Crafts: Summer, Crafts: Teacher Appreciation Gifts, Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts, Sukkah Decorations, Wedding Decorations
Pineapple Pinecone Craft Is My New Favorite!
I have been wanting to make pinecone pineapples for a few months now, and even painted the pinecones yellow before Passover, and finally found the time to give this fantastic summer craft, that would be a perfect summer camp craft a try. And wow, the results are so adorable you'll want to make a whole bunch, I know I do! You can use your pineapple pinecones as decorations for part of a tropical party, or as whiimsical decorations any time. Line up a few on a shelf and you'll smile every time you see them, or hang some mobile style. And of course if you want to be a little…
Classic Loom Potholders, Buy The Loops Or Make Your Own!
A few days ago my twelve year old son was looking for something to do, and to my surprise asked me to take down the potholder loom that he spied on a very high shelf! As it turns out there was already a potholder in progress (the black and white one) on the loom that was made with loops from up-cycled clothing, so I finished that one off, and my son proceeded to make a potholder with the last of the store bought potholder loops that came with the loom. Of course, the store bought loops do result in a dense and crisp pot holder, though I do love the…