Crafts for Kids,  Crafts: Ceramics

Ceramic Plates And Trays Made By Kids

Ceramic Ring Dishes Craft For Kids

Yesterday at the student's show at the ceramics studio that my 12 year old son and I visit every week (for some quality creative time together) we were very inspired by a show of all the student's work. I only had time to capture a small portion of the wonderful creativity to share with you here, though I'm hoping that just a few posts will be enough to get those of you for whom this might be relevant to the ceramic studio, (with your kids, or without) as working with clay is a wonderful way to enliven creativity, build skills and confidence too!

And of course, while kiln fired ceramics like these truly produce the best results, don't let lack of access to that level of ceramics hold you back. Many wonderful projects can be made with air drying clay or even clay that can be fired in your oven! Not to mention polymer clay crafts of course, which is great for small projects, and of course simple modeling clay crafts are fun too!

Ceramic Trays And Dishes By Seven year old

First I'd like to show you this collection of wonderfully artful ceramic plates and trays made by a six year old! Yes, Aaron Akiva who is just six years old made these pieces that really do show an incredible inner talent, even if it is not intentional at this age. I happen to remember his young mother when she was just nine or so years old, and I have had the pleasure on knowing his grandmother for many years as well, so I was pleased as punch to see who was the creator of my very favorite pieces at the show!

Ceramic Plates and Small Dishes By six year old

Even his little "monster" whose leg broke in the kiln is sweet! (The teacher told all the boys to make monsters one class, so this was his.)

Ceramic Dishes Project For Kids

 And I just love the abstract pattern and color combinations in this little tray, gorgeous!

Ceramic Trays Kid's Craft

Now, I love these little textured dishes as well, made by a nine year old, but this is an example of what happens when kids get older and that free, loose creativity that is so very lovely generally goes into hiding. And getting it back if one delves into art later in life is quite difficult!

Ceramic Divided Tray Kid's craft

I just love this adorable little divided tray as well, sweeter than sweet, right? Also made by a ten year old, using an actual divided tray as a mold, which is a great way to create ceramic pieces that can then become truly used!

That is all for my little presentation, don't forget to include some creativity in your life and in the lives of the children who are dear to you!





