
Make This Year A DIY Chanukah!

Hanukkah Crafts Roundup

Fall is here and that means it is time to get crafting for Chanukah! And the good news is that the holiday starts on the night of December 24th (talk about great timing this year for those who might not otherwise acknowledge the holiday!) so we have plenty of time (well, six weeks actually which are going to speed by….) to get crafting and make this year truly special. This week at the dinner table I overheard my eleven year old son saying to his siblings "remember how fun Chanukah is?" And I have to say, my heart leapt just a little, because creating great memories and sharing our love with friends and family is what it is all about, and certainly the more you put into it, the more you get out of it!

So lets bring light into the world this Chanukah by revving up those creative gears, are you ready?

As for the projects in the above collage, the cardboard menorah craft on the lower right can be found in my Etsy shop, in the right hand column of my blog, and the other crafts can be found in my Chanukah archives. You'll find them all at the beginning as these are all from last year's crafting effort. This year I have a few new ideas that I hope to find time for, so stay tuned and join me for the ride!



