Crafts: Fall,  Crafts: Painting,  Crafts: Painting and Drawing,  Crafts: Watercolors,  Holiday: Succah Decor,  Holiday: Tu B'Shevat Crafts

Watercolor Fruit Art: Paint The Seven Species

Watercolors Of Fruit Pomegranites, Grapes, Figs, Olives, dates

Small works of art using just simply watercolors are so fun to make, and a great project to do in one sitting. In the past I enjoyed painting watercolor fruit with my daughter, and then I realized that if I was going to paint fruit, then certainly I should paint a series of the seven species, hashevat haminim,  to give some added meaning to my little project. Not to mention that anything depicting the seven holy species of fruit (plus 2 grains) can be used as a succah decoration, as a decoration for the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, or of course anytime!

It is true, succos is already past, and Tu B'Shevat isn't for another few months, but hey guys time flies and there is no greater relief than pulling out some ready made decorations when that holiday rolls around sooner than you expected! And yes, out there in blog land everyone is always planning for the next holiday, and posting about it six weeks ahead of time, but this is real life which should be about finding small windows for creative expression, right?

Watercolor Fruit Art Pomegranite,Wheat, Barley

You'll Need:

  • watercolors, a simple and inexpensive palette will be fine
  • my watercolor fruit tutorial
  • water color paper
  • kosher salt
  • a pencil

How To:

Draw the outline of the fruit or grain you wish to paint, and then get to work filling it in with color. Place kosher salt on wet areas to soak up the paint. Remove salt when the whole thing is dry. Enjoy, oh and if you want to be a little bit timely, so you could of course do the same thing with some dreidel shapes!

Watercolor Seven Species For Succah





