Plastic Canvas Star Ornaments With Tassels
As you may have noticed, I have been having lots of fun making Hanukkah decorations using plastic canvas. And now I present to you an obvious addition to my plastic canvas dreidels and plastic canvas menorahs, ta da, plastic canvas Jewish stars! Just for the record I thought you might be interested to know that truly the idea of using the Jewish star to represent Hanukkah is a commercial invention of some sort, and you won't see any such stars here in Israel being used for Hannukah. People would wonder if you were trying to possibly recycle your decorations from Independance Day! I just had to laugh as I was typing that, but it really is true, that together with the fact that the color blue has nothing to do with Hanukkah (really spelled Chanukah) either!
That said, the Jewish star does represent Chanukah for so many folks out there, so we've got to make some, right? Keep on reading for the number one most important tip for making these guys….
Ah yes, that tip, it is coming but first take a look at how fun these stars look with a plastic canvas menorah, right?
And actually they could be used year round, especially when adorned with a little tassel. Okay enough babble the most important tip is found in the supplies list below:
You'll Need:
- plastic canvas triangles, two per star, mine are 3" on each side and are sold as triangles, you don't cut the triangle yourself!
- yarn
- a yarn needle
How To:
Place once triangle on top of the other as shown ebove, and embroider the section where the two triangles overlap first to hold them together. The rest is just about having fun, enjoy!
Where do you buy plastic canvas? I’d love to try and make some things like this for Hanukkah and just in general!
These are so fantastic
Sara Rivka
Glad you like it, plastic canvas is available in all major art supply stores, it is in fact a whole world… is sold in sheets with various square counts as shapes and in my little art supply store in Northern Israel it is sold by the meter, cut from a large roll. all the best! Ah yes, and of course there are many suppliers online.
liebe design
This looks so beautiful!
The colors are great, what a super idea!
Michelle L
Yep yep yep! Adorable! I like all the variations and of course the tassels!