Container Gardening,  Crafts: Recycling,  Israel,  Recycled Tin Can Craft

Simply Beautiful Tin Can Container Garden

Tin can container gardening with petuniasYou don't need to spend money on beautiful containers to have a lovely container garden, and here dear readers is the proof! This tin can container garden is not my own garden, but rather something I spotted in the neighborhood a few days ago, and I finally got the chance to return with camera in hand yesterday. There is just something about the combination of these new cans packed with a mix of blooming plants this is truly delightful, and, because these cans are in front of a rather worn and neglected stone home, well they fight right in, as they would say on a gritty fire escape in New York City…….okay literally a world apart, but that idea of the artful side to neglected real estate, well that is the common thread!

Oh, and just by the way, these cans are those super large ones that one could ask a local restaurant (or school cafeteria) o save for you, or if you shop at bulk food stores, I guess some products may be sold in them. But I'd go for the asking the restaurant idea, as well, most canned foods are not the best things to be eating in the first case, and cerainly not in these quantities!

Tin can container garden with flowers
I love the fact that they placed some of the cans on a piece of wood, the base and added height really makes a difference in the aesthetic.

Tin can container garden with lavender
And that container holding the pillar geraniums, (which look great in a container this size, note to self,) is also a recycled drum of some kind, will have to take a closer look next time!

Tin can container garden with geraniums
The moral of the story is that just a few cans of lovely flowers can do so much to add joy to the world, both yours, mine and theirs, so go for it. Ah yes, I do think I'll take my own advice and stop worrying about how overpriced my local nursery is and just buy some more blooms for my own garden!

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