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Pencil Drawing Exercises To Teach Light, Shadow And Volume

Pencil Drawings Exercises

Aren't these pencil drawing exercises that my fourteen year old daughter drew just wonderful? Sometimes one forgets the magic of simply putting pencil to paper, especially if one learns some oh so important lessons in how to actually depict light, shadow and volume! Of course there are those artistic geniuses out there that just naturally understand these kinds of things, but most of us benefit greatly from art lessons, and specifically in this case drawing lessons that give one the tools to really create something special. And yes, we do realize that the fruit look rather mechanical, but that was in fact the point in order to really drive home the power of the technique.

And speaking of techniques, keep reading to take a closer look to see the pencil drawing tricks one can learn, I think I want to do it too……it looks amazing!

Pencil Drawing Sea Gull exerciseI just love the details of the clouds, a big round of applause to my daughter, who may just end up being an bona fide artist some day, time will tell……and I'm not such a great example as my creative pursuits are so all over the place that she really hasn't learned the idea of focusing on one thing in order to be really exemplary, hmmm.

Pencil Drawing Exercises FruitWould love to blow these ones up really large to enjoy every stroke, a great idea for wall art right?

Pencil Drawing Exercise with Cherries

Ah yes, and for the cherry on top, here is a little sketch my daughter did at home by herself, and she doesn't really love it, for some reason, but I surely do……and I'll just sign off by saying that I am one proud mama, can't wait to see what this one does with all of her g-d given talent!
