Giant Origami Apples Are Perfect For Any Party
A few weeks ago, just after the holiday of Tu B’Shevat I needed to make some simple centerpieces for a community women’s party, and I decided to try my hand at making a giant version of my origami apples and fruit. Fortunately the results were fantastic, especially with the addition of some gold leaves, and the same centerpieces were re-used a few days later at a shabbos Brit, which is perfect. Now, if your gears are turning, great, just know that there is a size limit to these origami fruit, namely the width of your paper, and once they get large folding the paper isn’t difficult, but expanding the shape can be. So make some origami fruit in a bunch of sizes and colors (I did, actually, as you can guess) and enjoy. They won’t last forever, and I believe a few of mine succumbed to having drinks spilled on them, but that is fine, after all sometimes it is great when you don’t have to save everything! Ah yes, and it is true, these lavender versions may look more like plums, but that is great too, the more fruit the better. Okay, lets start making some giant origami fruit, perfect for Purim, shabbat, a baby shower, a wedding, a teacher appreciation gift, or just because.
- large paper i used squares made from the largest paper colored paper I could find at my local art supply store, width 86cm and 90cm (or a bit bigger). You can also use wrapping paper, though your fruit won’t be quite as sturdy due to paper weight. That said I love using wrapping paper for giant origami that doesn’t need to hold a 3D shape.
- gold or silver foil or metallic paper
- real sticks
- a hot glue gun
- tutorial for folding origami balloons
How To:
- To make a square from your rectangular shaped paper simple fold one corner across to the other side to form a triangle and cut off excess. Now you are ready to get folding. (If you are making the origami fruit ahead of time, even a few months for example, you can leave them in their collapsed state and then blow them up and add the stem and leaves closer to the event date.)
- Fold origami balloon according to origami balloons tutorial and expand by blowing carefully into hole. If necessary you can carefully stick a long rod into hole to push out corners.
- Cut leaves to size desired and cut stems from sticks you’ve collected.
- To make a wider and more secure base for the stem, wrap a long piece of metallic paper around the bottom of the stem (see photo above), and adhere with hot glue as you roll. Then attach stem to top of origami balloon with hot glue. In some cases I glued a leaf first and then added the stem on top of the leaf. Do whatever looks right to you.
- Add an additional leaf or two and voila, a gorgeous and artful piece of fruit is born!
- The dimensions of my finished fruit is: 13cm square for the lavender ones, and 11cm square for the peach ones. I do prefer the 13cm square ones.