Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday

Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!

CSS Sunday collage2Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! I’m rushing to get this party started, so enjoy the wonderful features, and now is the time to start seriously thinking about Purim, whether it be costumes, mishloach manot (treats/gifts for friends neighbors, teachers, bosses etc.) the festive Purim meal, or all of the above, which is usually the case. Purim is a day of extreme fun, but also a very high and holy day, so anything goes. I generally cover the table with a bright Moroccan tablecloth, and take out decorations from previous years, like the huge silver clown hats that I’ve had for a good 6 or 7 years and still going strong! Then again, I think maybe I’ll make some giant origami, that is always lots of fun!  Maybe I’ll even get started on that this week, as I recommended to everyone else? It just might happen, so stay tuned, and in the mean time, enjoy the features from last week’s party:

Toilet tube bunny-crayon-holdersAdorable toilet tube bunny crayon holders from the scrap shoppe blog could be great for Purim, I’m seeing them holding treats, or maybe even a bag of carrot sticks!Geo-Style-Hoop-ArtLove this geo style embroidery for spring from busy being Jennifer. Love the fact that the embroidery is done on fabric with a tiny floral print, genius!
Crocheted-moon-and-star-pillowsCrochet star and moon pillows from anne marie are just too cute, right?
 Crocheted triangular shawl stitch samplerLove thie crocheted triangular shawl with lots of texture, from eye love knots. This is the “hidden hills shawl” pattern.
Cross stitch family portrait on crocheted pillowCrocheted pillow with cross stitch portraits from frau tschi tschi.Crocheted bunny with heart hydrangea market bagA fun crocheted “hydrangea” market bag from knotions, and a crocheted long legged bunny with a heart, from howling at the moon.Knit shawl with lace borderKnit shawl is great looking, from lilia craft party.
Knit diamond pattern cardiganGorgeous knit featherweight cardigan with a diamond pattern on the back, from kiku’s corner.


Toilet paper tube animals craftAn assortment of toilet paper and paper tube animals from handmade by amalia, so sweet!

Healthy-kid's-party-food purim-coloring-pageLove these tangerine pumpkins, perfect for Purim? from Anikas DIY Life, and speaking of Purim, here is a coloring sheet from Anne Kofsky, enjoy!

Diy-bathtub-trayA great looking DIY bathtub tray with book holder, from rain on a tin roof.

Front-door-makeover-with-paintA fantastic door remake, window included,from Anika’s DIY life.

Organize-Craft-Room-21-day-WorkbookBoy, do i need this one! Check out this free workbook for organizing your craft room from celebrating everyday life.

Garden-planner-spiralA really helpful garden planner and tips for starting a garden from five spot green living, check it out!That is it for the features, what have you been up to?











