Essential Tips For Creating A Family-Friendly Garden
Israel has a large variety of plants: the country’s cities and suburbs are amass with flowers which attract all kinds of wildlife with no less than 2600 varieties and over 135 types of butterflies! In order to do our own part in preserving our amazing wealth of flora and fauna, spending time and effort in our own gardens will ensure that we embrace wildlife while also creating a beautiful environment for the family to enjoy. Whether you’d love to grow geraniums in your garden, prefer to grow your own food or would like to create a fun play area for the kids, designing a family friendly garden can benefit everyone, young and old. Here’s some ideas to help you get started, and enjoy the gardening journey for many years to come.
Bouganvillea grows well in all parts of Israel, while the magenta and red strains tend to be hardier in colder areas of the country. Purple solanum is always lovely with stone walls.
Put Safety First
Whether you’ve just moved into a home and are starting a garden from scratch or want to adapt a garden you already have, safety should come first. When creating a Jewish garden which might involve harvesting special fruits and growing sweet smelling flowers, everyone needs to watch their step. Before you begin, it’s a good idea to inspect the property for damaged or blocked gutters, loose steps or broken fencing. Be on the lookout for any sharp edges around pathways, steps or borders where small children are likely to hurt themselves if they fall over. Don’t forget that both children and adults will need shade during the hot weather so if there aren’t any trees to provide shelter, think about using a pergola as an alternative.
Design Zoned Areas
A garden where kids can play and parents can relax is the perfect combination for a family friendly garden and if you’re short on inspiration visit one of Israel’s public gardens to see how the experts plan unique garden spaces. When you’re setting up a play area for the little ones, ensure it is installed where it can be seen from any window so you can watch the kids clearly at all times. Big toys in particular should be placed away from garden furniture or large trees and plants. Although you can separate the garden into zones, do incorporate a communal space too so you can all gather together as well.
Involve your kids
When working on the design of your garden, getting the kids involved is likely to give them a confidence boost knowing that they’ve contributed towards planning the garden. With Israel leading the way in the production of new varieties of fruit and vegetables, it’s a great idea to teach your children about where food comes from and how to grow edible food in a sectioned off area. Although you’ll need to do your research to check for poisonous or sharply spiked plants, having the kids help out can provide a different perspective regarding what to plant and grow. It is also important to teach kids about garden safety! Not every tree should be climbed, and unfortunately there are sometimes trees that need to be removed as they pose a danger to a home or the people using the garden. Removing larges trees is a professional job so consider contacting the folks at thelocaltreeexperts.com and play it safe.
Watching pomegranite bushes/trees bloom and form fruit is truly exciting!
Designing a family-friendly garden which provides safety, beauty and relaxation isn’t difficult to achieve and will create cherished memories for the entire family for years to come. And who knows, you may even end up with a few botanists or agriculture specialists in the family!

Tammy Fetman
Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and green thumb with all of us! I’m always so inspired!!
I wish I had more of a green thumb! I don’t have much luck with plants.
Sara Rivka
Hi Alexandra, You can do it, just stick to the ones that are really difficult to kill: Zee Zee, Mother in laws tongue, and pathos……the first two can be watered the first day of each month and do fine, the pathos a bit more. All of these can grow in low light as well, so no more black thumb, go for it!