Home Decorating

Designing a Child-Friendly Den


The popularity of ‘dens’ (also called entertainment or family rooms) can be traced back to the 1970s but as reported by Paintzen, they are enjoying a new surge in popularity, with recent world events leading many families to prioritize the entertainment value of their own homes. If you have little kids, a den is a fantastic place for them to spend time since it should ideally contain books, music, crafts supplies, and other items that can entertain kids for hours. If your little ones are old enough to join in, let their ideas count and take advantage of your den designing adventure to teach them vital skills like recycling and upcycling. If you are looking for design and decor ideas to make a special den for your family, keep on reading!

Playroom-teepee-swingAbove: An indoor teepee and a swing, what could be better?

Building an Indoor Fort

Children love tree houses, playhouses, and forts – since all these structures can enable them to feel like the ‘boss’ of their own space and safe groundskeeper of a secret spot they can nevertheless view the world from. If your den is large enough, you can set up a fort space and use fort building kits (which contain poles that can easily be attached to one another so you can create various suggested or invented fort shapes), covering them with recycled paper. Decorate the fort’s exterior and interior with your children’s drawings, previously created craft work, and fairy lights. For smaller dens, build blanket forts with your children, using high furniture like shelves to hold both sides of the ‘fort’ and choosing from an array of shapes – including canopy, teepee, and fortress shapes. Smaller fort kits will also work indoors since they can conveniently be kept away when kids are done playing.

Ideas for Storage

An ideal den has plenty of free space in the center or on one side so kids can put up shows, practice a few gymnastics skills, dance, do yoga for kids, and perform other physical activities. Therefore, finding attractive, effective ways to store materials is key. Just a few ideas for minimally invasive storage include the use of low wall shelves extending from one side of one wall to another or framing the central space, the incorporation of sofas with built-in sliding storage drawers, and trunks for toys and costumes. You can turn any of these pieces into DIY projects. For instance, you can jazz up an old fabric trunk by bedazzling it or embellishing it with old costume jewelry pieces or artwork.

DIY cardboard playhouseAbove: A stage set, puppet theater, or a playhouse, made in a closet will insure hours of fun!

Space to Shine

Children love putting up shows for parents and friends so creating a small ‘stage’ for their shows will be a popular decision. The wall on the furthest side of your den can be converted into a stage with a small raised wooden deck that your little musical or theatrical performers can use to steal the spotlight. For a bit of extra ambience, fit a small arched structure in front of the stage for curtains to lend your child’s shows a dose of reality. Instead of a stage, your child may wish to convert this wall into a classroom (simply place a chalkboard or whiteboard on the wall, a small desk and chair on one adjacent wall, and a small standing shelf on another (for ‘school’ material storage).

Playroom close up garlands pexels-tatiana-syrikova-3933248Above: String lights are an inexpensive way to make your den feel special!

Choosing Your Color Scheme and Décor

Ask for your children’s input for everything from paint colors to carpets. Incorporate a few removable décor pieces such as decals, wooden signs made of individual letters, and cushions and beanbags. Think of ways to reflect your child’s tastes (their favorite illustrations, cartoons, and music) through posters, paintings, and sketches. Make their den a place of joy through the use of stringed banners, arty wallpaper, and even wall murals and drawings they can create alongside you or by themselves.

Dens are back in vogue and that is great news for parents and kids who enjoy having a special place in which to read, listen to music, or simply interact with friends and family. To make your den child-friendly, use vibrant, happy colors and décor that can easily be replaced as children grow older. Encourage kids to take part in the den’s design by creating arttwork that can embellish features such as forts, walls, and shelves.