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Ice Cream Cone Gift Tags From A Recycled Ice Cream Cone Box!

Gift-tags-ice-cream-coneIce cream cone gift tags from an ice cream cone box are just the cutest and one of the quickest recycling crafts ever! As I was trying to clear out all the recycling items that I hoard, including a lovely pink ice cream cone box from a certain Israeli brand, the idea struck and within minutes, voila, two ice cream cone gift tags were born! And oh so relevant as my daughter whipped up an amazing cake that I’ll be sharing next, (meaning there were some very photogenic cookies and candies to style the photo) making this week birthday week! In general I love saving graphics from boxes, especially vintage ones, and in the past I’ve cut up cardboard vegetable crates to make a set of play vegetables for kids, though once you start looking at boxes, don’t just toss them, get creative. And of course most boxes can be turned inside out, decorated and used as gift boxes! I will admit I have a growing collection of tiny pharmacy and cosmetic boxes that I’m storing flat and will become a project, but am happy to have found a use for this larger ice cream cone box! Okay, I’m thinking that this is pretty self explanatory, but I’ll be happy to give a list of supplies in case you are wondering about that cute striped string or anything else. Keep on reading!

Gift-tags-ice-cream-coneYou’ll Need:

  • a recycled cardboard ice cream cone box with photos of ice cream cones
  • a hole punch
  • scissors
  • striped t-shirt yarn, mine is cut in half lengthwise to reduce the volume

How To:

Save that ice cream cone box before someone in the family who does not like your hoarding ways tosses it! And when shopping for ice cream cones, do buy the brand with the package that you can use to make these gift tags! Other than that, I think this is pretty self explanatory, and if your family is suddenly the recipients of lots of ice cream, well, so be it………..enjoy!