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Geranium Cuttings Will Bloom When Grown In Water!

Hydrangea Cuttings Will Bloom In WaterWhile I do realize that this photograph is a bit vague, I took it quickly to share with you the amazing discovery that geranium cuttings grown in water produce flowers. Amazing, right? This cutting is actually a pillar geranium so it has a not only a very long stem, but its flowers form on long stems as well, which is truly lovely. So, if you travel a lot or tind that watering plants just doesn’t suit you, consider growing some plants in water, and add geraniums to that list.

What other plants can one grow in water?

PLEASE NOTE: I just realized that I wrote hydrangea instead of geranium on the photo, my mistake, sorry for any confusion!

I’m only a partial expert on this subject, and don’t have time to do the research for you, but here is a list of plants that I am currently or have in the past grown in water:

  • spider plant,
  • geranium
  • heart philodendrun
  • pathos
  • lipstick plant
  • hoya
  • purple heart (wandering jew)
  • that fun succulent-like plant they make the sugar syrup from, yikes know what i mean?

While many plants can be grown in water and in an opaque vase or container, some actually do need the light and should be grown in a glass vase, which does requre attention now and again to maintain its clean and lovely appearance. The plant whose name i can’t remember does not thrive in a non-glass vase, as I can report from experience.

And just by the way, any plant that roots well in water can likely be grown in water, so give it a try!
Hydrangea Cuttings Bloom in Water


