Watercolor Still Life Fruit Exercise Is Great For All Ages!
My fourteen year old daughter is once again taking painting lessons, this time with a teacher who learned painting as a trade in Russia, so the lessons are precise and skill oriented, which can be a good thing, though not exactly how art is taught in the USA generally. Nonetheless since we are seeing great results with piano lessons from our teacher who is from the Ukraine, I'm trying to be a bit open minded as far as teaching techniques go! My daughter in any case has and will be exposed to art education on many levels, so the main thing is to just do it, and not worry too much about the process assuming something is being taught!
I'm happy to say, that today, the day after Passover, a day in Israel called "isru chag" which is in effect an extension of the holiday (and occurs for Passover, Shavuot and Succot, on days that are still part of the holiday outside of Israel) my daughter had the desire to paint, and while I was recovering from the holiday by sleeping, she was painting this sweet watercolor still ilfe, using some of the skills that she has been learning recently, and some that she learned from a different teacher a good five years or so ago.
Interestingly enough, last night I had the urge to make something, anything really, but couldn't as I was too busy trying to pack away all the Passover dishes and get the kitchen back in working order with our regular stuff, phew! So I was quite pleased to see the creative spark alive and well in my daughter enough that this is what she opted to do with some quiet time, yippee!
Still life paintings using fruit are a great way to teach kids, or anyone for that matter, about light and shadow and volume, though just putting objects in front of anybody and painting them is great too, without any instruction, as painting and drawing are all about learning how to see, which is something most of us need to practice! Enjoy!