Blog Party: Craft Schooling Sunday
Craft Schooling Sunday Is Taking A Passover Vacation, See You Next Week!
Thanks so much for dropping by for Craft Schooling Sunday. I made a last minute decision to simply take a Passover break with the party as that means I can literally stay unplugged all Passover long, which is truly one way to make sure I'm not a slave to my blog or the internet, right? We celebrate our deliverance from slavery every year, though we also apply the idea of slavery to our lives today giving the holiday many layers of relevance, and the all the house cleansing before Passover in turn leads to a spiritual cleansing on the holiday! So dear friends, I'll be back next week, with hopefully…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here. With Passover in less than a week (starts Friday night) the pressure is on to get the house and most importantly, the kitchen, truly clean! The fridge is scoured as are any cabinets and counters that will be used for Passover and all food items not “kosher for Passover” are locked up or eaten before the holiday, and if that food is crackers or bread or anything containing flour, that item most likely will be eaten outside starting on Sunday in order to avoid pieces or crumbs in the house. While Jewish law requires considerably less cleaning than…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday and wishing everyone a chodesh tov, a happy new month, as it is now the Jewish month of Nissan! Nissan means Spring, and it also means the pressure is on, with Passover in just two short weeks and soooooo much to do. Not one but TWO close neighbors are marrying daughters this week, and we have to go to both weddings which are several hours away, so my daughter and I are going to take a mini vacation and just stay overnight in the Tel Aviv/Ramat Gan area, meaning the pressure is on even more to finish all of our huge tasks. At the moment…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With Passover in just under three weeks, the clock is ticking and spring cleaning and trying to escape from the slavery of our possesions (in my personal case) will be happening in full force this coming week. I’m sure you can understand why I’d want to hang onto a bag of milk cartons I’ve been collecting and plastic ice cream container tops, among many other recyclables, right? Thanks, because no one in my immediate family sees the virture of these items and so I have to wage a personal battle in the name of hopefully using those items…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With all the joyful celebration that comes with Purim, as well as the costumes and food gifts for friends and neighbors, and the hosting of large quantities of people now under our belts, we can relax for a moment……..and then it is time to get to work preparing for Passover, which is exactly in four weeks! This year my craft room absolutely has to get cleaned out and organized as we need the space as an extra bedroom…..I think I’ll spare you the before and after photos, but truthfully really excited about the prospect of having to stay…
Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday!
Welcome to craft schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! The very festive and very crafty Jewish holiday of Purim is on Wednesday night/Thursday (and on Thursday night/Friday in Jerusalem) which means the coming week will be very busy indeed. I am in the middle of finishing up a Queen Esther costume and a mitzvah dragon costume, needed for the school costume day on Monday or Tuesday, and hope to share that with you, and then it is time to think about the mischloach manot, the gifts of food for neighbors and those we want to honor….In previous years I always used a recycled container, but now I’m…